The past year has been hard for everyone. But now that 2020 is in the rear-view mirror, Jungle Experiences looks to the future with renewed optimism.

Their biggest goal for 2021 is to continue taking good care of the Amazon environment with the support of passengers who appreciate the experience of traveling to a place that can truly be called the “lungs of our planet” as well as the support from the rest of our committed contributors.

Here’s the complete Jungle Experiences wish list for 2021:

Continue working to protect the environment
In August 2019, Jungle Experiences helped Amazon Forever create an educational arapaima fishpond. The objective of this project was to inform the local population about the importance of protection with this emblematic Amazon species.

Teach passengers about sustainable tourism
Jungle Experiences is committed to nature and tradition by teaching passengers to take care of the environment and respect local communities and their rituals by integrating their tours into the Peruvian Amazon.

Continue offering high-quality service
In 2019, Jungle Experiences was named “South America’s Leading River Cruise Company” by the World Travel Awards (the “Oscars of Travel and Tourism”). The company strives to maintain that reputation into 2021 and far into the future.

Support the local economy
Jungle Experiences promotes the economy of local communities in the Peruvian Amazon by displaying and selling their crafts on all cruises.

Preserve and protect Amazon wildlife
Help Jungle Experiences save the incredible animals of the Peruvian Amazon — and its remarkable biodiversity — by donating to a local rainforest cause.

Help travelers connect with Mother Nature
Just entering the Amazon rainforest is an adventure. But Jungle Experiences makes it even more awesome by helping travelers connect with flora and fauna in unique ways via the different itineraries they offer.

Promote tourism in the Amazon
Jungle Experiences knows that traveling to the Amazon rainforest is a unique experience and that it’s their duty to explain to potential travelers why it should be their next destination.

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