What’s the allure of the Anantara Bazaruto Island Resort in Mozambique? Certainly, a luxury tropical resort experience that includes a pampering spa, gourmet cuisine, and romantic beachfront bungalows.

But also Mother Nature. In particular, the iconic sea creatures that live year-round in local waters or the even large beasts that migrate past the paradise Indian Ocean island.

Dolphins are commonly sighted on boat trips from the resort. And if you’re really lucky, you might spot some of the rare and endangered Indian Ocean dugongs that graze the seagrass off the island’s south shore.

Between November and March, sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs in the island’s soft, warm sands. Nests that burst with baby turtles a few months later. Five species are known to nest on Bazaruto — green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley.

Humpback whales make their annual pass between August and October. Although the deep waters of the Indian Ocean on the island’s windward side is their preferred route, occasionally they’re also seen from shore cruising the channel between Bazaruto and the mainland.

Then come the gentle, giant whale sharks, which migrate up the Mozambique coast between April and July.

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