Adventure Canada’s Zodiac Stars

February 12, 2020 - 1 minute read

A pair of Zodiac drivers at Adventure Canada are celebrating the beauty and frangibility of Canada’s coastlines — and helping to get the word out to those who may want to explore the incredible region — through a new photography book and music CD.

Scott Forsyth — a Canadian Geographic magazine Photographer-in-Residence — has launched a hardcover book called The Wild Coasts of Canada, filled with thoughtful essays and glorious images captured aboard his trips along the Atlantic (Newfoundland and Labrador), Arctic (Nunavut and the Northwest Passage), and Pacific Coast (Haida Gwaii and the Great Bear Rainforest).

Check it out on Scott’s website or purchase it on Amazon Books


Meanwhile, Adventure Canada expedition host and musician David Newland — a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society — has cut a record album called Northbound filled with songs inspired by his sea journeys around the Canadian coast. The songs are available for download on Apple Music, Spotify and other online sights, as well as David’s website.


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