It’s not too late to book your Torres del Paine dream trip. Reserva Las Torres offers many options, from a fully supported “W” Circuit Trek to a luxurious lodge stay exploring Chile’s premier national park on day trips.

The “W” Circuit is the most popular hike in Torres del Paine for a reason — it’s stocked with all the highlights including the famous Las Torres Base viewpoint, Los Cuernos Mountains, Francés Valley, Paine Grande, and Grey Glacier.

You can choose your adventure style, from tent camping to full room & board in shared mountain hostels or private hotel rooms. While still a physically and mentally demanding experience, the doing the hike with Reserva Las Torres offers luxuries like comfy beds, hot showers, hearty meals and re-stock points along the way.

Or book an all-inclusive package at historic Hotel Las Torres Patagonia that allows you to experience the best of Torres del Paine on day trips from the lodge. Immerse yourself in traditional culture at a prime location that boasts spectacular views, abundant wildlife, and authentic cuisine.

Meet with our friendly and helpful activities staff to plan your stay, mixing and matching whichever full and half day tours afford the unique experiences you’re looking for. The hotel offers the perfect balance of adventure, comfort and culture, allowing you to explore on your own terms during the day and return for nights of relaxation, traditional Patagonian cuisine and signature cocktails and beverages.

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