Read All About It: Reed Raft Sails from Chile to Australia

Published on February 15, 2018

The Denver Post newspaper recently ran a photo story on the Viracocha III reed raft…

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Read All About It: Epic Route Connect 17s Parks

Published on February 14, 2018

National Geographic announced the creation of a new motor route through Patagonia that will eventually…

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Read All About It: Chile Adds 10 Million Acres of Parkland

Published on February 13, 2018

National Geographic was one of the first news agencies to announce that the massive expansion…

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Lingering Among the Lengas — Two Special Las Torres Excursions

Published on February 6, 2018

Among the all-inclusive excursions available to guests at Hotel Las Torres are two special adventures…

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Read All About It: Rachel Ray’s Studio Audience Invited to Iceland

Published on February 4, 2018

Iceland Monitor announced that American celebrity cook and television personality Rachel Ray had invited that…

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Read All About It: Iceland Approves Seven New Baby Names

Published on February 3, 2018

Iceland Review, an English-language newspaper in Reykjavik, recently reported that the Icelandic Naming Committee has…

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SeaTrek Sailing Adventure Partners with Kopernik

Published on February 3, 2018

SeaTrek Sailing Adventures has announced a life-changing collaboration with Kopernik, a Bali-based nonprofit committed to…

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Read All About It: CNN Quizzes SeaTrek Expert

Published on February 1, 2018

CNN Travel recently asked 20 travel experts — including Michael Travers of SeaTrek Sailing Adventures…

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In Case You Missed It: Makeover Magic at The Elewana Collection

Published on January 23, 2018

Renovations and additions are currently being carried out at various Elewana Collection properties in Kenya…

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In Case You Missed It: Into the Wild Blue (African) Yonder

Published on January 21, 2018

Cheli + Peacock now offers a new way to explore Tanzania — scenic helicopter safaris…

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Read All About It: Africa Strives for Borderless Travel

Published on January 20, 2018

The Final Call newspaper in Uganda recently ran an AP report on the possibility of…

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Reins on the Plains at Elephant Pepper Camp

Published on January 18, 2018

Elephant Pepper Camp in Masai Mara is now offering horseback safaris across the African plains…

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Read All About It: Kilindi’s Earth Friendly Focus

Published on January 17, 2018

Huffington Post recently ran an article on the environmental and socially conscious vibe at Elewana’s…

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EcoTraining Goes to Kenya

Published on January 16, 2018

EcoTraining Guides & Guardians is offering two training programs in Kenya this year, in addition…

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Read All About It: Chill at Torres del Paine

Published on January 14, 2018

The Cheat Sheet, a popular lifestyle website, recently rated Torres del Paine as one of…

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Read All About It: Meru National Park is for the Birds

Published on January 13, 2018

Meru Conservation Area’s Facebook page reports that Meru National Park — location of Elewana Elsa’s…

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Read All About It: 2018’s Top Adventure Destination

Published on January 12, 2018

Readers of Afar have pegged Torres del Paine as the “Best Adventure Destination of 2018”…

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Playing in Punta Arenas

Published on January 11, 2018

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a few hours or a few days to explore…

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Gary Segal’s Long and Winding Road to Cheli & Peacock

Published on January 11, 2018

“I love working for a company that embraces change and innovation,” says Gary Segal, the…

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Read All About It: Hiking Is Rad

Published on January 10, 2018

Outside Magazine rates hiking as one of the most underrated endurance workouts. Quotable quote: “There’s…

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