Ecuador’s wide variety of landscapes, its pre-Colombian cultural heritage and, most importantly, its assortment of people from different ethnic groups, make the country a fascinating treasure to be explored. Discover it, by following the trails of human beings’ first artistic creations and contemporary expression of art and crafts.

Throughout history, coastal, highland and Amazon cultures have come and gone, leaving traces and telling their history through their crafts. The earliest fragments of pottery found in Ecuador are 6,900 years old. Objects of both daily and sacred use continue to be made even today using traditional techniques. The varying shapes and designs are symbols of their evolving cultures and of their mystical and cosmic view of life.

Enchanted Expeditions offers a 13-day trip that revolves around the artistic traditions of mainland Ecuador. The journey includes the northern highlands and Imbabura province before a southward passage through green mountains, patch-worked with cornfields, and majestic snowcapped volcanoes that reach into the crystal-blue sky. The grand finale is Cuenca, a beautiful Spanish colonial city known for its arts and crafts scene that’s both traditional and modern.

You’ll be welcomed into the homes and workshops of artisan families who are pleased to share their skills and experience. You’ll become acquainted with the shapes, designs and techniques of local traditions and have the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas and insight face-to-face with Ecuadorian artists as they explain their personal interpretation of traditional motifs in modern art.

The towns also the way also afford an opportunity to relax, stroll cobbled streets, and visit some of the local museums. The sights and sounds of urban nightlife add to the trip.

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