Why visit Torres del Paine National Park in April? What magical charms make this season more special? In reality, nothing more than autumn itself, which always brings an abundance of color as the climate changes and Patagonia plunges into a state of indescribable beauty.

Evocative Colors

A festival of warm colors dazzles travelers who arrive in April. Red, orange, yellow and brown vegetation steals gazes and camera clicks, leaving pedestrians in dreamy, meditative states of relaxation. Photographers from all over the world travel to Torres del Paine hoping to master their craft and autumn is one of their favorite times of year.

Awesome Weather

April guarantees a mild, inviting climate. Las Torres recommends stepping outside for fresh air during sunrise or sunset. Given Patagonia’s legendary wind, April’s tranquility is surprising. On breezy, sunny days, maximum temperatures reach approximately 13°C/55°F and fall to a minimum of 3°C/37°F.

Low Season, Less People

Another great fall attraction is a relatively low influx of tourists and, even better, decreased prices. Hotel Las Torres is offering a 35% discount for bookings in April 2023. And check out the “Express W” program for an enjoyable, fast trek, staying in fully equipped campsites or refuges.

Flora and Fauna

With fewer tourists in the park, it’s easier to spot pumas and huemuls deer hiding in thick forest. In addition to the elusive puma, witness groups of guanacos and emus grazing, foxes hunting and condors and aquatic birds (like the Black Necked Swam) crossing skies and lakes. The park also has an abundance of plants — over 270 species.

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