Lake Titicaca: The Earth’s Second Chakra

January 28, 2024 - 1 minute read

Navigate the largest lake in South America with Hidalgo Tours, a journey that includes the picturesque city of Copacabana and the legendary Islands of the Sun and Moon to explore the Inca ruins and participate in a collective Aymara celebration in which food and wisdom are shared.

Shared by Bolivia and Peri, South America’s largest lake is one of seven Earth Chakras scattered across the planet which connect the human soul and life force with that of Mother Earth. Going back to ancient times, many people have believed that being near these invisible “energy wheels” enhances their spiritual and bodily energy.

Lake Titicaca is the Sacral Chakra, which overseas our creativity, emotions, sensuality and other aspects of a joyous life.

Hidalgo Tours offers 30 different options for discovering Lake Titicaca. Among the highlights of any journey to the lake region are the Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana, the Yumani Staircase, the ruins of Chincana and the Temple of Iñakuyu, Pilkokaina Palace, the legendary Fountain of Eternal Youth and the Sacred Rock which lies at the center of the Second Chakra.

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