Las Torres Adds Another Date for “Puma Encounter”

December 16, 2015 - 1 minute read

085151Q Puma

Puma guide supreme Roberto Donoso is leading another edition of our highly successful “Puma Encounter” this week.  Donoso has been leading natural excursions in Chile for nearly two decades and dedicated the past 13 years to the search and study of the Patagonian puma (Felis concolor patagonica) in Torres del Paine National Park and surrounding areas.

On each day of the program, during the early morning hours, Donoso leads a group of no more than six people in search of these majestic apex predators in order to capture them on camera. This obviously always poses a very great challenge because pumas are inherently wary of humans. Even though the big cats move around freely within the park, Donoso’s record of getting up close and personal with the “Lion of the Andes” hovers at around 80%. During these outings, the animal’s personal space is respected at all times and we never interfere with its natural behavior.

“Puma Encounters” is also scheduled for April 5-9, 2016, when we hope to achieve an equally high percentage of puma sightings.

Please find more details on our special program here — “Puma Encounter”

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