Through its AMA nonprofit, Hotel Las Torres has launched a number of environmental initiatives in Torres del Paine National Park including the creation of an interpretive trail, education camps, reforestation projects, and programs to aid indigenous bumble bees and the huemul deer.

Project Bumblebee
Did you know that Chile is home to the world’s largest bumblebee (Bombus dahlbomii) and that there’s a national campaign to evaluate the decline in the population of native bees? Through a systematic compilation of research, AMA provided a clearer picture of bumblebees in Torres del Paine and proposed actions for population recovery.

Project Puma
This project monitored the interaction between livestock, human activity, and the pumas in the Torres del Paine region. The information expedited the creation of conservation plans and puma management within the local estancias (ranches) and other areas adjacent to the national park.

Lenga Forest Restoration
This plan embraces both reforestation of the native lenga forest and research for monitoring regeneration and a continuation of the process in affected areas.

Orchids of Torres del Paine
This project is focused on developing a program to monitor and spread orchid flora in Torres del Paine National Park.

Interpretive Trail
Located near the Hotel Las Torres, the trail offers examples of four Magallanic biotic provinces including native plants and wetlands. Rated as easy, it can be hiked in around 1.5 hours.

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