Read All About It: Girls Gone Birding

February 17, 2019 - 1 minute read

Intrepid Explorer magazine in South Africa brings us a story on women who went birding in Kruger National Park with EcoTraining Guides & Guardians.

Quotable quote: “What happens when the vibrant party of birdwatchers you’re with are just as colourful as the birds themselves? When the quiet, contemplative moments so necessary for taking in new information are matched by fits of laughter? The helpless, stomach-crunching kind that makes you wonder — in between thinking about comb ducks and red-backed shrikes — whether you’ll have developed a six-pack by the end of the week. It was like being the naughty kid I never was at school, except that our feathered subjects were far more fascinating, and our classroom was the boundless African bushveld.”

Read the remainder of the story by Rachel Lang HERE



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