Fantastic Beasts: Masai Mara and Serengeti Combo

Published on July 22, 2019

Based around the entire Serengeti-Mara ecosystem rather than a single park in Tanzania or Kenya, Cheli & Peacock’s seven-day Mara-Serengeti Combo Flying Safari combines two iconic wildlife destinations into one incredible adventure. Internationally renowned for the greatest wildlife spectacle on the planet,…

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Read All About It: Assessing Tourism’s Benefit to East Africa

Published on November 5, 2018

The Exchange financial journal in Tanzania offers an analysis of how tourism benefits the people and countries in the East Africa Community (EAC). Quotable quote: “The most recent total expenditure of tourists visiting the EAC was US$4.2 billion or about US$779 per…

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Read All About It: Defending Tanzania’s Lions

Published on September 14, 2018

The Independent newspaper in the UK published a piece on how Lion Defenders have reduced lion poaching by 90% in one Tanzanian national park. Quotable quote: “Mandela from Kitisi is one of 13 warriors who has retrained as a lion defender. ‘I…

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African Skies Get Even Friendlier

Published on July 22, 2018

A number of new airline routes and increased frequency — both regionally within Africa and internationally from North America and Europe — make it even easier to book a safari in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda or southern Africa. Kenya Airways Regional Flights New,…

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It Gets Ugly

Published on September 26, 2016

Even the newest Africa aficionado has heard of the Big Five animals that you want to see (and hopefully photograph) on safari — elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo and leopard. But did you know there’s also an Ugly Five? While it’s no doubt debatable…

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Bean-to-Cup in Tanzania

Published on December 8, 2015

Our friends at the Elewana Collection just posted a new video on YouTube that explains how their Arusha Coffee Lodge got its name. The video takes viewers on a guided stroll through the coffee-laden bushes scattered around the lodge grounds and explains…

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Kiki Paris Buffalo Luxury Camp Trip Report, September, 2013

Published on October 2, 2012

Nestled high on a hill in Loliondo, Tanzania, Buffalo Luxury Camp overlooks the northeastern Serengeti and Lobo Valley and offers stunning, panoramic views to its guests. This permanent tented camp consists of 15 Suite Tents, 5 Chalet Tents, a lodge divided into…

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