Iceland celebrates Christmas like most Western countries, with delicious food, gifts for loved ones, and family gatherings. Unlike most countries that have a single Father Christmas or Santa Claus, Icelandic children are fortunate enough to be visited by 13 Yule Lads (or Jólasveinar) over the last 13 nights before Christmas.

Originating in Icelandic folklore, the Yule Lads or Jólasveinar are like trolls that live in the mountains and come to town one by one in December. Each one has a very specific character trait and names that explain their special behavior (see below).

They are children of Grýla (a horrible troll) and Leppalúði (her awful husband), and Icelandic children are scared of them for reasons that shouldn’t be discussed here any further. Their equally scary pet — the big black Christmas Cat (Jólakötturinn) — should also be mentioned.

Icelandic children place a shoe in their bedroom window each evening during the last 13 days before Christmas. A Yule Lad visits each night, leaving sweets, small gifts, or a rotting potato, depending on how that particular child behaved the preceding day.

With all the cold, long, and dark days in December and the melancholia that comes with it, it goes without saying that this tradition is much needed. Luckily, winter is the season of the beautiful Northern Lights and Icelanders are fortunate enough to see the spectacular phenomenon in the sky every now and then.

The 13 Yule Lads are:

  • Stekkjarstaur (likes to tease sheep and has wooden legs);
  • Giljagaur (likes to steal milk);
  • Stúfur (likes to eat the pie crust from stolen pans);
  • Þvörusleikir (steals and licks wooden spoons);
  • Pottaskefill (steals leftovers from pots);
  • Askasleikir (hides under the bed and licks bowls);
  • Hurðaskellir (likes to awaken kids by slamming doors);
  • Skyrgámur (loves skyr);
  • Bjúgnakrækir (hides under the roof and steals sausages);
  • Gluggagægir (looks through windows for something to steal);
  • Gáttaþefur (loves delicious laufabrauð or “leaf-bread”);
  • Ketkrókur (steals meat with his hook);
  • Kertasníkir (steals candles from kids).

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