Don Tito: The Legendary Quintero of Las Torres
March 16, 2025 - 1 minute readThe biointensive garden at Hotel Las Torres is a place full of history. The plot was originally called a quinta or “orchard” and those who worked in it were quinteros.
This term was coined in Spain during the 16th century and referred to a “one-fifth” land parcel that a colonial governor gave to a new settler. These quintas were transformed into homesteads with gardens to feed the occupants. Or in the case of Las Torres, a wilderness lodge and biointensive garden to feed visitors.
The hotel’s most famous quintero was Tito Paidicán Barrientos. The legendary “Don Tito” passed in 2014 at the age of 77. Passionate about gardening his entire life, he held a place in the hearts of everyone who worked at Las Torres Patagonia.
Those who remember him say he was especially passionate about cultivating rhubarb and tomatoes, and that he always had time to tend to the rose bushes. Some of his colleagues say they have never met a person who loved what he did more than Don Tito. Others appreciated his smile, given with a positive and humble spirit.
Today, the biointensive garden at Hotel Las Torres carries on the legacy of Don Tito. It continues harvesting chemical and pesticide-free produce, practicing eco-friendly agriculture with a goal of providing foods that are rich in flavor, aroma and nutrients.