Don’t Let Covid Stop You from Visiting the Amazon This Year

Published on April 1, 2021

Why wait to visit the Amazon when the world’s greatest rainforest is ready to welcome you now? Jungle Experiences offers its tips on how to visit Peru in general — and the Peruvian Amazon in particular — while the pandemic is still…

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2021 Wish List for Sustainability in the Amazon Rainforest Peru

Published on December 22, 2020

The past year has been hard for everyone. But now that 2020 is in the rear-view mirror, Jungle Experiences looks to the future with renewed optimism. Their biggest goal for 2021 is to continue taking good care of the Amazon environment with…

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Peru is Back! And So Is Amazon Cruising

Published on December 3, 2020

In case you missed the news, Peru resumed international flights from neighboring South American countries in October and continues to add other countries to the list. So it’s time to start thinking about a Jungle Experiences cruise in the Peruvian Amazon. In…

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Amazon Mystery: The Iron House by Gustave Eiffel

Published on March 15, 2019

Who would have guessed that in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon there’s an architectural masterpiece by the man who created the Eiffel Tower in Paris — Gustave Eiffel? Located in the heart of Iquitos on the Plaza de Armas, the incredible…

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Cruising Peru — The Amazon is About People, Too

Published on February 27, 2019

    One of the highlights of any Jungle Experiences cruise in the Peruvian Amazon is a chance to visit the indigenous people who live in and around Pacaya-Samiria National Preserve. They are most likely members of the Kukama tribe, which has…

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Tarantula. Joe Yogerst

“Tiny Five” Creatures of the Amazon

Published on January 23, 2019

Africa has it’s Big Five and Tiny Five of wildlife viewing, so why not the Amazon too. Or more specifically Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon. One of the largest reserves in the entire Amazon Basin protects more than a thousand…

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Manatees, Monkeys and Macaws at the Amazon Wildlife Rescue Center in Iquitos

Published on December 26, 2018

One of the highlights of a Peruvian Amazon cruise with Jungle Experiences takes place well away from the river — a visit to the Amazon Rescue Center on the road between Iquitos and Nauta. Whether you join the guided tour or explore…

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Reaching the Heart of the Amazon

Published on December 6, 2018

Travelers often ponder the best way to discover the Amazon. One of the most authentic ways is a riverboat journey with Jungle Experiences along the waterways that flow through Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in northeastern Peru. Wedged between the Marañón and Ucayali rivers,…

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Read All About It: Pink Dolphins and Deadly Piranhas

Published on October 21, 2018

National Geographic Traveller (India) offers a story on the secret world of the Peruvian Amazon — as experienced aboard a Jungle Experiences riverboat journey into Pacaya-Samiria National Preserve. Quotable quote: “For hours, we enter the high-definition, Avatar-meets-Jurassic Park kind of rainforest that…

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Amazon Rainforest Highs and Lows

Published on October 16, 2018

Jungle Experiences cruises in the Peruvian Amazon are spectacular at any time of year. But before you book, check out the distinct differences between rainy and dry seasons in the region — and how that impacts both the water level and the…

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Pretty in Pink

Published on December 8, 2015

  Lots of folks have heard of the playful bottlenose dolphin named Flipper, made famous by Hollywood movies and TV shows. But very few people know about Flipper’s rosy-colored cousin — the pink river dolphin — a rare species found in freshwater…

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